
About fin

fin is an innovative company with finesse and a focus on priorities. Sustainability is the key foundation to the product and design development and the value chains which surround it’s creation.

We are interested in and care where the raw materials come from, what production processes are used and who the people behind them are. The transparency of “Made in” is not enough for us. We rely and focus on traceable, socially and ecologically responsible value chains.

With our projects and products we would like to tell stories in which the people and their craftsmanship play a central role. We combine traditional craftsmanship with modern, timeless design.

For our endeavor and in search of innovative projects we travel worldwide and carry out our projects and ideas in different regions of the world.

At fin we design and produce our own products however we also want to offer and enable other Brands to benefit from our value chain. As such, we act as consultants for companies to create concepts and designs and implement projects with sustainable supply chains.

fin – founded in 2017 by Anna Vetsch, Janine Wirth and Bettina Kunkel – is now backed by Anna Vetsch (sustainability manager) and Janine Wirth (designer). Both of them have extensive eperience in sustainable management, design and logistics. This rich colaboration gives rise to new ideas, concepts and products that are supported all the way from sketch to reality, never losing our commitment to sustainability.


Anna Vetsch (left)
Janine Wirth (right)


  • Graphic Design

    Moriz Oberberger

  • Photos

    Juliette Chrétien
    David Suter
    Sandra Gadient

  • Development

    Julian Schmidt

© 2025